Due to unforeseen circumstances, City Hall office hours will be shortened. These hours will be posted here each week. These are subject to change.
Monday February 10th 3pm to 5pm
Tuesday February 11th 3pm to 6pm
Wednesday February 12th CLOSED DUE TO WEATHER
Thursday February 13th 10am to 1pm
Friday February 14th through the 18th closed
February 19th noon to 4pm
February 20th 3pm to 5pm
Our new email address is city@oakviewmo.org
Bill # 771 Ordinance 2025-01
An Ordinance appointing Steven B Salmon to serve as Judge of the Court of Clay County, Missouri, Municipal Division for the Village of Oakview, Missouri.
Be it ordained by the Board of Trustees for the Village of Oakview as follows:
Whereas, the Board of Trustees for the Village of Oakview have the authority to appoint the Municipal Judge for the Village of Oakview, as stated in Chapter 479 RSMo.
Therefore, be it ordained by the Board of Trustees for the Village of Oakview, Missouri as follows:
The Board of Trustees for the Village of Oakview does hereby appoint Steven B Salmon to serve as Judge of the Circuit Court of Clay County, Missouri, Municipal Division for the Village of Oakview, Missouri. He will serve as Judge as voted on by the Board of Trustees at the February 11, 2025 meeting. This term shall begin January 1, 2025 to end on January 1, 2027.
Read by title and posted on the Village Bulletin Board, and passed on this 11th day of February, 2025.
Approved by Village Atorney_____________________________________________Date___________________
Bill # 772 Ordinance 2025-02
An ordinance by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Oakview, Clay County, Missouri, for fencing within the Village limits.
Whereas, the Board of Trustees of the Village of Oakview, for the health and safety of the residents.
Be it ordained by the Board of Trustees for the Village of Oakview, County of Clay, State of Missouri as follows:
All materials including fasteners, supports, ornamental decorations, etc., used in construction offences and walls as defined herein, shall be resistant to the elements.
The following materials are approved for the use in the construction offences and walls as defined herein:
(1) Chain link (side and rear yards only),
(2) Split rail,
(3) Wood (fabricated primarily as fencing materials),
(4) Plastic (fabricated primarily as fencing materials),
(5) Vinyl (fabricated primarily as fencing materials),
(6) Masonry,
(7) Stone,
(8) Stucco,
(9) EFIS, Exterior Insulation Finishing System
(10) Split face block, and
(11) Ornamental iron.
Read by title, posted on the Village Bulletin Board and passed on this day _________ of February, 2025
Chairperson Date
Attorney Date
Board Meeting: Tuesday, February 11, 2025 @ 6:00 PM
6404 N. Locust St. Oakview, MO 64118 at City Hall in the Municipal Court Room
P: 816-436-9150 C: 816-704-0167 E: city@oakviewmo.org
Posted: February 6, 2025 12pm
New Business:
× 908 NE Lindberg
Old Business:
× Saki Sushi Restaurant + Contractors
New Business:
× Minutes 1/14/2025 open and closed
× City clerk/Court clerk
Old Business:
× Cell Tower
× Computers/IT
× Asset Audit
× MOPERM Training
× Short-term rentals
× Long-term rentals
× Pyro City Updates
Variance Board
× Bank
× Bonds for bank
× Fence Ordinance to be adopted #772 ord 2025-02
× Budget
Old Business:
× Shady Lane
Stop signs
× Water Department
× Snow Removal
New Business:
× GFL Trash Renewal
Old Business:
× Heating & Cooling All American H&C
New Business:
Old Business:
× BTBP, Bank Acct Info, Financials + Purchasing Logs
New Business:
Old Business:
× Court Reports
× Court Monthly Comparison
× Training
× Hours to be approved
× Ordinance to be adopted Bill #771 ord# 2025-01
New Business:
Old Business:
× Uniforms
× Fleet
× Stats
× Training
× Officer Updates
New Business:
× RMS System
× Commissioner Update
Pursuant to, RSMo 610.021, Subsection (1) Legal actions, causes of action or litigation involving a public governmental body and any confidential or privileged communications between a public governmental body or its representatives and its attorneys and Subsection (3) Hiring, firing, disciplining or promoting of particular employees by a public governmental body when personal information about the employee is discussed or recorded.
If you are experiencing an emergency, please call 911. If it is a non-emergency, please call 816-792-4254.
An occupational license is for the professional(s) doing the work for a project. This could be any project like a new roof, adding on to your home, working on your heating and cooling system, replacing your deck etc.
A building permit is required when you are changing the dimensions of something or building something new.
You might need both for a project or only one of these for a project. Please call CIty Hall if you have questions.
Oakview Newsletter
November 2024
Fill out a Resident Check Form and the Police Department will keep an eye on your home while you’re gone.
A permit, at no cost, is required to conduct a garage sale in the Village. Please see the Village Clerk. Residents are allowed two garage sales per calendar year in addition to the city-wide garage sale.
A permit is required for any work done in the Village. Please contact City Hall with any questions about forms or procedures.
One of your first steps for any construction or electrical project should be a building permit application! It is the Board’s responsibility to enforce zoning and building ordinances. Permit applications are reviewed at monthly Board Meetings, held on the 2nd Tuesday of every month, and must be received at City Hall by noon on the Thursday prior to a Board Meeting. Forms are available on the website, via email, and at City Hall with the Village Clerk.
November 12th, at 6 PM.
Work Session on November 28th has been canceled until further notice.
December 10th, at 6 PM.
All are invited and encouraged to attend. If you have anything you would like to discuss, please call City Hall before the meeting so it can be added to the Agenda. For Tuesday Board Meetings, please call by the Thursday before; for Thursday Work Sessions, please call by the Tuesday before the meeting. If the subject is not on the Agenda it CANNOT be discussed.
If City Hall receives a complaint this will result in a cordial warning letter from us, upon verification, asking you to tend to the issue. If it is within the time frame specified in the letter, the matter is resolved. If not, a citation may be issued.
Commonly issued warnings:
With all the confusion and service issues you all have experienced the last few months, the Village has attempted to confirm the following information. Also, again I encourage everyone to please feel free and email City Hall with any and all issues. As information changes or updates, I’ll be sure to advise everyone.
***Please see the end of the newsletter for recycling guidelines***
Help us out! If you see something, say something! Our police officers are always committed to keeping the Village of Oakview safe and protected. With your help, they can be even greater! If you see or notice anything that may be amiss, don’t hesitate to let us know.
If a school bus is stopped with their stop sign out, Missouri law states you must stop on two lane roads until the stop sign is down. No matter what direction you are traveling.
You may download these forms and drop off at City Hall or download, copy and paste in the Contact US section and fill it out there to email directly to the City Clerk.
Send us a message with any questions or concerns, and we'll get back to you with answers as soon as we can. 816 436-9150
6404 North Locust Street, Oakview, Missouri 64118, United States
City Clerk: 816 436-9150 city@oakviewmo.org Court Clerk 816-642-8387 court@oakviewmo.org Fx: 816-436-2671
Open today | 10:00 am – 04:00 pm |
On the second Tuesday of each month at 6:00 PM, the Board of Trustees meet to handle village business. These meetings are open and the public is encouraged to attend. The meeting is held in the Oakview City Hall, 6404 N Locust St. Oakview, MO 64118.
Municipal Court is held the third Wednesday of each month, unless rescheduled due to holidays.
Copies of specific ordinances of the village are available upon request. Contact the clerk at 816 436-9150, MON-THURS, 1 PM to 4 PM.